Lawyer Referral Service of Santa Cruz County
LRS can help you find a qualified, insured lawyer to help you with your legal needs. Lawyer Referral Service of Santa Cruz County is the only local non-profit service certified by the State Bar of California, and which meets the American Bar Association Standards for a referral service.
Hours: Tues - Wed 9am - 2pm
Phone: (831) 425 - 4755
Email: sccbar@sbcglobal.net
Self-Help Center of the Santa Cruz County Superior Court
The Santa Cruz Superior Court offers a free Self Help Center (SHC) to assist self represented customers with a variety of basic legal issues. The SHC includes the services of the Family Law Facilitator and the Small Claims Advisor. The Self Help Center can provide court forms and legal information for the following legal issues: family law (including, but not limited to, divorce, child support, child custody), restraining orders, guardianship of the person, limited conservatorship, landlord/tenant, name change/gender change, civil (breach of contract collection cases only), collections, emancipation, small claims, probate conservatorship, record clearance (workship only), and provide community and legal resources.
1 Second St Rm 301, Watsonville, CA 95076
Hours: Mon-Thurs 8:30am - 11:30am & 1pm - 3pm
Phone: (831) 786 - 7200 Option 4
Tenant Sanctuary
Tenant Sanctuary is a tenant's rights education service located in Santa Cruz, CA. Through trained tenant counselors and our staff attorney, help help tenants understand what rights they have in a given situation, as well as how to assert them. We also provide free educational events through community partners. We answer questions about Rent Increases, Eviction, Repairs and habitability, Security Deposits, Harassment, Lease Provisions, and any issue regarding tenant-landlord disputes. Tenant Sanctuary does not provide legal representation, but we welcome any tenant with a question about their rental situation to contact us and talk to our counselors or staff attorney.
703 Pacific Avenue, Santa Cruz, California
Hours: Tues/Thurs 3pm - 7pm & Sun 10am - 2pm
Phone: (831) 200 - 0740
Email: info@tenantsanctuary.org
Monterey College of Law - Community Legal Clinics
The Community legal clinic provides legal options for clients with legal issues. Appointments in this clinic include collections, unlawful detainer, small claims, limited conservatorship, immigration, restraining order for a Domestic Violence or Civil Harrassment restraining order, and family law. Small appointments are free, and all other appointments are $15 - 50.
703 Pacific Avenue, Santa Cruz, California
Hours: Mon - Fri 9am - 6pm (Telephone Appointments Only)
Phone: (831) 582 - 4000
Email: info@montereylaw.edu