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Women in Science and Engineering (WiSE)
at UC Santa Cruz is dedicated to promoting
equity and inclusion in STEM!

Do you love WiSE? We are entirely student-run, and our STEM reform efforts go further with a team of dedicated officers. We are recruiting new officers to keep our events strong and impactful. Speak to us to learn about our mission and opportunities for professional development and leadership.

Recruit, retain, reform




Get involved!

Subscribe to our newsletter to stay up to date on our events, and learn about volunteer opportunities with WiSE! 

Volunteer with us


Help us promote diversity and equity in STEM! Join WiSE to engage the community with hands-on exploration in STEM fields.

All volunteers are welcome - learn about opportunities via our newsletter or at our quarterly officer meetings!


Build our community


Friendship. Education. Career.

Join our social networking events to meet fellow students and professionals and learn how to tackle modern challenges of retaining women in science and engineering careers.

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