Financial Assistance & Food
Santa Cruz County Human Services Department - Employment & Benefit Services Division
The Human Services Department offers a wide range of programs and services to the Santa Cruz County community. The department provides safety net services to meet the basic needs of individuals and families, ensures the protection of children, the elderly, and dependent adults, and provides job search assistance and job training opportunities to help job seekers become self-sufficient. Our programs include CalFresh, CalWORKS, General Assistance, Medi-Cal Health Benefits, Cash Assistance Program for Immigrants, and CalWORKs Employment Services.
Santa Cruz Customer Service Center
1020 Emeline Ave, Santa Cruz, CA 95060
Hours: Mon-Fri 8am - 5pm
Phone: (831) 454 - 4165
The California Lifeline
The California LifeLine Program is a state program that provides discounted home phone and cell phone services to eligible households. The California LifeLine discounts help consumers lower the cost of their phone bills. Only one discount per household is allowed (except for teletypewriter users and for Deaf and Disabled Telecommunications Program participants). Each household must choose to get the discount either on a home phone or on a cell phone, but not on both. Check out the Types of Discounted Services Available to learn about the program's benefits.
Hours: Mon - Fri 7am - 7pm
Main General Phone: 1 (866) 272 - 0357
English Phone: 1 (866) 272 - 0349
Spanish Phone: 1 (866) 272 - 0350
TTY Phone: (866) 272 - 0358
Second Harvest Community Food & Hotline
The Community Food Hotline provides information & support to people who need food. Find out about neighborhood pantries, USDA food distributions, Food for Children and Passion for Produce distributions, hotmeal kitchens, summer lunch sites, CalFresh and WIX. We also provide information on additional resources related to food & nutrition, health, housing, utilities, emergency shelter, education and finance.
Second Harvest Food Bank
800 Ohlone Parkway, Watsonville, CA 95076
Hours: Mon - Fri 8am - 4pm
Phone: (831) 722 - 7110
Email: des@thefoodbank.org
Santa Cruz County Hotline: (831) 662 - 0991
Hoteline Email: foodhotline@thefoodbank.org