Domestic Violence
Walnut Avenue Family & Women's Center
Walnut Avenue Family & Women's Center is a nonprofit family agency located in Santa Cruz, California, offering a variety of programs for individuals and families for happier, healthier relationships - with self, with loved ones, and with community. We provide services for people of all genders, sexualities, family and relationship models, race and ethnicity, ages, abilities, economic status, and other identities and lived experiences. All domestic violence services are voluntary and free of charge for people of all genders, sexual orientations, and family and relationship models. We do not require legal ID, proof of citizenship, insurance, ongoing sobriety, or proof of income. Programs includel; Early Education Center, Services for Children & Youth, services for Survivors of Domestic Violence, Family Support Services and Community Engagement.
303 Walnut Avenue, Santa Cruz, CA 95060
Hours: Mon-Fri 9am - 12pm & 1pm - 5pm
Phone: (831) 426 - 3062
24-Hour DV Hotline: 1 (866) 269 - 2559
Monarch Services / Servicios Monarca
Offers immediate crisis response to victims of domestic violence and sexual assault through our 24-hour crisis line, including emergency response to law enforcement or medical facilities, and accompaniment to forensic rape examinations. Support services include emergency shelter for victims of domestic violence or sexual assault and their children, peer counseling, advocacy, information, referrals, drop-in support groups, and assistance with restraining order applications. We also provide community education presentations to schools, community groups and service providers.
Santa Cruz Office
550 Water Street Ste J-3. Santa Cruz, CA 95060
Hours: Mon-Fri 9am-12pm & 1pm-5pm
Phone: (831) 425-4030
24-Hour Bilingual Crisis Line: 1 (888) 900-4232
UCSC Campus Advocacy Resources and Education (CARE)
UCSC CARE is committed to responding to the needs of the community impacted by sexual violence, dating/domestic violence and stalking by providing prevention and intervention services, confidential advocacy, and support. We seek to create a culture of consent and respect on campus, empower survivors, and dismantle norms of violence. We take an intersectional, trauma-informed, empowerment approach, placing a high importance on understanding the needs of survivors, including gender identity, ethnicity, age, sexual orientation, disability, religion, nationality or citizenship status.
Oakes Academic Building
233 Oakes Rd Ste 221, Santa Cruz, CA 95064
Hours: Mon-Fri 9am - 12pm & 1pm-4pm
Phone: (831) 502-CARE (2273)
Email: care@ucsc.edu
National Domestic Violence Hotline
24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year, the National Domestic Violence Hotline provides essential tools and support to help survivors of domestic violence so they can live their lives free of abuse. Contacts to the hotline can expect highly-trained, expert advocates to offer free, confidential, and compassionate support, crisis intervention information, education, and referral services in over 200 languages.
24/7 Hotline: 1 (800) 799-SAFE (7233)
Text: "START" to 88788
Chat availablet online.
Community Overcoming Relationship Abuse (CORA)
Agency in San Mateo County solely dedicated to helping those affected by domestic violence. From counseling, to emergency housing, to legal assistance, our services are designed to provide safety, support, and healing.
2211 Palm Ave, San Mateo, CA 94403
Hours: Mon-Fri 9am-5pm
Phone: (650) 652-0800
Toll-Free 24-Hour Hotline: (800) 300-1080
Email: info@corasupport.org (for general inquiries)
Email: resources@corasupport.org (for resources)
Safe at Home @ Walnut Avenue Family & Women's Center
Walnut Avenue Family & Women's Center is an enrolling agency for the Safe at Home confidential address program administered by the California Secretary of State's office and is most effective when used as a part of an overall safety plan. Safe at Home offers victims of domestic violence, stalking, sexual assault, human trafficking & elder and dependent abuse, as well as reproductive health care workers, a substitute mailing address to receive first class, certified, and registered mail. This address is also accepted by California state, county, and city government agencies in lieu of a residential or other mailing address where a victim can be tracked down, keeping the residence address confidential and out of the hands of someone who might want to harm the victim.
303 Walnut Ave, Santa Cruz, CA 95060
Hours: Mon-Fri 9am - 12pm & 1pm-5pm
Safe at Home Phone: (877) 322-5227
Email: eainquiries@sos.ca.gov
Next Door Solutions (NDS)
Next Door Solutions (NDS) is the premier domestic violence agency in Santa Clara County. We are the only stand-alone domestic violence agency and the largest provider of these services: crisis and legal support (24/7 hoteline and walk-in crisis counseling), housing solutions (The Shlter Next Door, Housing First Program, and HomeSafe in San Jose and Santa Clara), and supportive services (support groups).
234 E Gish Road Ste 200, San Jose, CA 95112
Hours: Mon-Fri 9am - 5pm
Phone: (408) 501-7550
24/7 Hotline: (408) 279-2962
Email: info@nextdoor.org
Chat available online.